Biofertilizers & the Life of the Soil

The Biogrowth® line of biofertilizers reflects a symphony of collective efforts.

It begins with the design of a business model based on scientific research and agroecological principles, which is capable of attracting impact investment towards families of small-holder producers.


We develop two (2) types of solid fertilizers for any stage of the crop

Cómo lo hacemos

La calidad de las materias primas utilizadas y la tecnología implementada en los procesos de producción, resultan en productos eficientes y en perfecta armonía con los ciclos de la naturaleza.


Utilizamos bioreactores con sensores de pH, humedad y temperatura, que permiten un estricto control de calidad en nuestros procesos y que catalizan reacciones químicas, físicas y biológicas de las materias primas.


Cuidamos el balance nutricional en cada producto, para garantizar un óptimo desarrollo de los cultivos.


Producimos compost de alta calidad respetando las fases mesófilas y termófilas para garantizar inocuidad. Le agregamos una dieta basada en musáceas, materiales verdes y maderas, complementada con micro y macroelementos para lograr contenidos óptimos de potasio, nitrógeno y fósforo, entre otros.


Agregamos microorganismos benéficos que no solamente facilitan la asimilación de nutrientes en la planta, sino que cumplen una función antagónica con microorganismos patógenos.
Biodiversal - Sustainable Food Systems

Theory of Change
Biofertilizers Project in Phase Three


Pilot Projects



After a research process based on agroecological principles, Biodiversal managed to transform its first vermicomposting project into an impact investment project, directed at developing a new line of business in the biofertilizer market.


Investment Projects


Co-financing for model scalability

Investment in the construction of biofertilizer production capacities as a new line of business on the way to the productive transformation of small coffee-growing farms and their introduction in the value chain of agro-ecological products.

Productive projects capable of generating shared value and profitability of up to 20% E.A. for the investor.


Productive Projects

Productive Transformation

Accompaniment to agroecological production

Biodiversal, as manager of regenerative agriculture projects, provides coffee-growing families with purchase agreements, technical assistance, and impact measurement. As an anchor company, it provides farms with new biofertilizer production capacities developed and capable of demonstrating: an increase of at least 20% net income as a result of the sale of worm humus with the required quality levels; reduction of dependence on external inputs; and greater participation of women in the new business.


Agroecological Products


Innovation in the biofertilizer market

The worm humus provided by the coffee-growing families is transformed at the Biodiversal plant, with ICA certification for biofertilizers’ production. It is made into SolidBlend by Biogrowth ®, a product aligned with the 4 per 1000 commitment and aimed at agricultural producers aware that healthy soil is the main strategy in food sovereignty and against climate change.


Systemic Changes

Economic resilience, recovery of biodiversity, climate action, and food sovereignty.

The Biogrowth line of biofertilizers reflects a symphony of collective efforts that begins with the design of a business model based on scientific research and agroecological principles, which is capable of attracting impact investment for families of small producers. Thus, the productive transformation of coffee-growing families is enabled, and new value-added products are developed to revitalize the soil and result in profit for all actors in the chain.

Un indicador de biodiversidad para ayudarnos a monitorear la condición de esta en cada sistema diseñado e implementado por nuestro equipo.
Rendimiento anual
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El rendimiento anual que cada inversionista genera sobre cualquier inversión (deuda o patrimonio) que respalde nuestro proyecto.
Ingreso anual
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El ingreso neto anual que genera cada productor, así como el precio neto recibido por cada producto que se comercializa a través de nuestra red.

Indicador de género
Un indicador de igualdad de género que proporciona una medida de participación, beneficios, resultados e impactos para mujeres y hombres en cada finca.
Cantidad de productos
0 %
Toneladas totales de productos en el mercado con características agroecológicas